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Setting the tone for tourism 2022. Interview with Sunil V A, president – Skal International Bombay 144

Setting the tone for tourism 2022. Interview with Sunil V A, president Skal International Bombay 144
Sunil V A, president, Skal International Bombay 144

The world of travel and tourism has been fiercely affected by the pandemic is no news. However, what is news is that the travel and tourism industry is keeping their spirits high and are giving it their best to see opportunities amidst adversities.

The interview with Sunil V A, president, Skal International Bombay 144, is a clear indicator that the tourism stakeholders are looking at 2022 with hope and are ready to give it their best to stay float and also do business in these challenging times.

Skal International Bombay 144, has definite plans for it’s members and to give them the much-needed support during these challenging times.

Sunil V A, states that their Club has some well-defined plans in place for its members and with a robust team in place, they are excited to embrace 2022 amidst all it’s challenges. He feels, it is time to give back and working as a team is a given. Participation management is something that he firmly believes in and he feels the industry has more to it and one can certainly work as collaborators, leveraging on each other’s strength to make tourism for tomorrow more meaningful and impactful.

The time is come to take action and to share knowledge and best practices for the benefit of all.

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