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Travel & Tourism – The Future Frame | Trends & temperaments beyond the turmoil


Reema Lokesh, Journalist, Life & Clarity Coach, Founder –

India’s Travel & Tourism industry – Upbeat and not Beaten.

Our Speakers spoke about the ground reality, candid and clear about the future of the travel and tourism industry from the Indian perspective, which seems to bloom after the gloom. Thank you for making the Reemarkabl presented…Travel and Tourism – The Future Frame webinar was a grand success. Thank you for your overwhelming response and encouraging words of appreciation. It means a lot us.

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Reemarkabl is an earnest initiative and a media platform that is committed to share stories of Sense and not Sensationalism. We work toward bringing the finest to the fore. Connect to the link, for some serious and pointed food for thought on an industry that is always upbeat and never beaten.

The video reflects some grounded and real thoughts on how some companies made earned well during the pandemic, though travel and tourism were at a standstill. It was all about staying the course and finding new opportunities amidst adversity.

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